Mishnaic Hebrew Hamon-accumulation,uproar,disquiet Psa 39:6
Based on List by UBS and Credit Suisse published in 2023
plus List of countries by number of households
Country ▲▼ | Households (millions) | Household Wealth $US (trillions) | Average Wealth $US |
US | 132 | 140 | 1,060,000 |
China | 522 | 84 | 161,000 |
Japan | 55 | 22 | 400,000 |
Germany | 40 | 17 | 425,000 |
UK | 29 | 16 | 550,000 |
France | 30 | 16 | 533,000 |
India | 300 | 15 | 50,000 |
Canada | 15 | 11 | 733,000 |
Italy | 25 | 11 | 440,000 |
South Korea | 23 | 10 | 435,000 |
Australia | 10 | 10 | 1,000,000 |
Spain | 17 | 8 | 470,000 |
Taiwan | 9 | 5 | 555,000 |
Netherlands | 8 | 5 | 625,000 |
Mexico | 34 | 5 | 147,000 |
Switzerland | 4 | 5 | 1,250,000 |
Brazil | 64 | 4 | 62,500 |
Russia | 56 | 4 | 71,400 |
*Others (155 countries) | 937 | $66 trillion | 71,200 |
**Total | 2300 | $454 trillion | 197,000 |
Below are two lists based on the IMF List 2023 of debtor and creditor nations by Net international investment position.
According to the IMF, the International Investment Position (IIP) is a statistical statement that shows at a point in time the value of financial assets (bonds, money market or other account holdings, equity stakes and financial derivatives) of residents of an economy that are claims on nonresidents, or are gold bullion held as reserve assets – and the liabilities of residents of an economy to nonresidents.
In the US, their assets total $34.399 trillion, and liabilities $54.252 trillion, far ahead of any other economy, a nett figure in the red of $19.853 trillion.
List One - 40 creditor nations
Totalling $23.159 trillion
*Probably higher. There is a discrepancy of $6.846 trillion between dollars invested by creditor nations, and dollars in debt by debtor nations. Gold reserves, plus SDR reserves in the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements should normally make the creditor total higher. However unregulated Eurobonds — first issued in London in 1963 — with Eurodollars in 2016 estimated at $13 trillion & others may account for this figure. Secrets.
List Two - 89 debtor nations
Totalling $30.005 trillion
Regarding Australia's debtor nation status in 8th position, ever since we were first settled we've relied on other countries to invest in us to help us get going. And our public service has always been somewhat top heavy.
See a recent chart below for how much we are individually and corporately in debt to "managed funds" (in Australia as well as overseas).
Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS (foul stenches) OF THE EARTH.
Click here re the Four Horsemen, Simon the Pharisee, Judas, and Paul's attitude to taking up a collection.
Click here re the History of Money and click here re the History of Inflation.
On May 28, 2014 6:49 PM, "Stephen Williamson" wrote:
Subject: Chatting about mammon - the great "mamma" this morning :-)
Australia's Federal Net debt in bonds is now about $270 billion
Total State and Territory debt in bonds about $230 billion
(Federal and State net debt reached $784 billion in 2022-23)
Private company debt in bonds about $720 billion
So, bonds investment: $1.22 trillion
Total private housing debt about $870 billion
Total investment housing debt about $410 billion
So, housing: $1.28 trillion
Private credit card debt and personal borrowings $140 billion
Private company borrowings from banks, etc about $730 billion
So, other borrowings: .87 trillion
Total Australian Debt $3.37 trillion,
roughly, in May 2013
according to an article (no longer available) at www.news.com.au /national /quality-over-quantity-matters-in-debt/story
So who is in the black?
Various Australian Managed Funds (excluding "cross-investments") — superannuation (about 75% of the total), public unit trusts&life insurance (about 25% of the total) ABS Link $2.3 trillion in 2014 $3.8 trillion in 2023 | $2.3 trillion |
Gross: Overseas investors (in Australia residents)
DFAT Link $3.2 trillion in 2014 $4.6 trillion in 2023 click here for a recent AFR article | |
less: Australian investors (in overseas resident)
DFAT Link $2.2 trillion in 2014 $3.8 trillion in 2023 | |
Nett from Overseas Investment ABS Link: $1.0 trillion | $1.0 trillion |
Leaving a balance, roughly, for banks and other investors in Australia to supply: | $70 billion |
Total: | $3.37 trillion |
Yep, we've relied hugely on overseas investment since 1788 — starting with those famous IOU's written in 1793 for 7,500 bottles of overseas rum, authorized by the British Regiment's Paymaster — but with so much now available in our own superannuation and insurance and trust funds, the percentage of nett overseas investment has actually dropped.
So, while Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey are doubtless wise in endeavouring to, very gradually, reduce the $300 billion owing in federal bonds, those other figures do help to bring it all into a better perspective, with all the shouting that's going on.
Thank you Lord, yes, to rest in you, to look to you, our loving heavenly Father, for each coming day's needs.
"give us day by day, the bread for each coming day" as several translations put it.
Blessings all :-) Steve