From: Stephen Williamson
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 8:57 PM
Subject: Some thoughts on the 4 Horsemen, Simon the Pharisee, Judas, and Paul's attitude to taking up a collection

Hi all

Some thoughts on Revelation 6, the 4 Horsemen, Simon the Pharisee, Judas, and Paul's attitude to taking up a collection.

Using the Scriptures to interpret the Scriptures, we see the following:

Firstly, we know the fourth rider's name, "Death" with "Hell" following closely after.

The first rider rides a white horse, his name is not given, but only one person rides a white horse later on in Revelation, the Lord Jesus, the author of life, the Prince of Peace in Isa 9:6 (Shalom).

The second rider rides a red horse, again his name is not given, but he takes peace (shalom) from the earth, and he kills, and he carries a great sword. Picture of division. Well, Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy, and has been a liar, a deceiver from the beginning. And the red dragon (Rev 12:3), Satan, gives his power to the (wild) beast Rev 13:1-4.

The third rider rides a black horse, again the name is not given, but the voice speaking offers people trading terms and advises them to guard, look after the oil and wine. Black is the colour of ink, used in the writing of contracts.

In Jesus's famous parable of the dishonest steward in Luke 16, that follows the story of the prodigal (wasteful) son in Luke 15, it ends with the Lord saying "You cannot serve / you cannot work for God and for unrighteous Mammona (Mammon).

The word Jesus uses, Mam-mona, is apparently a feminine word with its elements "Mamme" — Mummy/grandma, and "Moneta" — Money monitoring / guardian of the city's treasury. Borders and wealth. losely linked to "Dai-mons" or Demons ("Distributors of fortunes").

In Revelation 17 we see the woman, the great harlot, the great city, riding the beast, and called "Mystery, Babylon the Great, mother of rascals and prostitutes (porne) and all the gross crap (abominations) in the world". She is hated by 10 coming kings who lay her waste, uncover her, eat her and burn her totally with fire. Yes, the Lord God who judges her is strong. "Come out from her, my people" says the Lord.

Coming back to Jesus's two parables in Luke, it says after he finished that the Pharisees, whose "underlying rule" (hup-archo) was to be "fond of silver / fond of money" (phil-arguros), derided Jesus. Yes, whitewashed tombs as Jesus called them. Simon the leper, a Pharisee, had got judgmental of Jesus with Mary's anointing early in his ministry. And Judas, Simon's son, who used to help himself to money from the money-purse, got judgmental at the perceived waste with Mary's anointing at the end, that the money hadn't come (to him), 300 silver pieces, say $30,000. After Jesus rebuked him, Judas betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, say, $3,000. Not a real lot, really. But sadly, like father like son.

Now finally, that passage in 1 Corinthians 16 that uses the word for "collection" — logia. It's another feminine word, only used twice in the New Testament, based on "logos" — a logical, objective expression of God's favour

"Now concerning the collection for the holy ones (saints in Jerusalem who were doing it tough), as I have given arrangements to the churches of Galatia, even so do you also.

Upon the first day (after the Sabbath) let every one of you place into his treasury (storage), as it has gone well/successfully for him on his road (eu-hodos), that there be no collection when I come.

And when I come, whoever you approve by letters in writing, them will I send to bring your liberality (favour) to Jerusalem. And if it be fit that I take the journey also, they shall travel with me."

Yes, dear Paul, previously a Pharisee, was so careful on this issue, God bless him.

Blessings all Steve

Stephen Williamson Computing Services Pty Ltd