Israel — Latest News since November 27th 2024

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Distances: Tel Aviv to Jerusalem 63 kms
Tel Aviv to Haifa 95 kms
Source: Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 7th edition — Sir Martin Gilbert;
Publisher: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2002;
ISBN: 0415281172 (paperback),
0415281164 (hardback); Map: NPR Online

The US had opened a consulate in Old Jerusalem back in 1844. But like diplomatic missions of nearly every other country, from 1966 (unofficially from May 1948 when the consul-general in Jerusalem was shot dead) until 2018 the actual US Embassy had been in Tel Aviv, a result of the ambiguous legal status surrounding Jerusalem for more than a century. Under the UN Partition Plan of November 1947, Jerusalem was to have been placed under international governance, which thus precluded it from being considered under the sovereignty of any State. But while this UN plan had been accepted by the Jews and the majority of UN countries, it had been rejected by the Arabs (and all of the surrounding Arab countries) who declared war.

The US Embassy opened at its Jerusalem location on May 14, 2018, the 70th anniversary of the creation of the modern State of Israel. On March 4, 2019, the US Consulate-General was formally integrated into the US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Australia Israel relations
In Australia in October 2018, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Australia was reviewing whether to move Australia's embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. On Friday 14 December 2018, Morrison announced Australia's recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, though there were no immediate plans to move its embassy from Tel Aviv.
This recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was reversed by the ALP Federal Government on Tuesday 18 October 2022. Foreign Minister Penny Wong stressed that Australia remained a "steadfast friend" to Israel, however its embassy would remain in Tel Aviv.

Jerusalem's history over the past century
British forces captured the city from the Ottoman Turks during World War I and maintained control under a League of Nations mandate for 30 years. In November 1947, a United Nations plan terminated the British mandate for implementation at midnight May 14 1948, and partitioned Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state with Jerusalem to become an international zone. While accepted by the Jews, the proposed plan never was implemented as civil war erupted. The British organized their withdrawal and intervened only on an occasional basis. When a cease-fire ended the fighting in 1949, Israeli forces held Jerusalem's western precincts while Jordan occupied the city's eastern districts, including the old city with its holy sites such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the al Aqsa Mosque and the Western Wall.

Click here for more details and to see a map of the UN's original proposal. The State of Israel increased their area by almost 60% of the area that had been allocated to the proposed Arab state. This included the Jaffa, Lydda and Ramle area, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem road, and some territories in the West Bank, placing them under military rule. With Jordan occupying the West Bank and the Egyptian military occupying Gaza, no state was created for the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel and Jordan soon annexed the portions of Jerusalem they held, with Israel in 1950 declaring the city as its capital, but this accordingly went unrecognized by other nations. In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel captured East Jerusalem, along with the West Bank. Israel later annexed East Jerusalem and reunified the city, again an act that has gone unrecognized by the international community while Palestinian claims remain unresolved.



Six Day War June 1967

Click here for the whole article

Background Extract: Six days and 40 years since Israel asserted itself
Abraham Rabinovich
June 05, 2007

FORTY years after the Six Day War, the consequences of Israel's extraordinary victory are yet to be sorted out. Israel was a tiny Middle Eastern backwater in 1967, with a population of 2.6 million surrounded by a hostile Arab world of 80 million. This disparity seemed to defy the natural order of things and it was a virtual consensus in the Arab world that the Jewish state would fall, sooner rather than later. In Israel itself, the enthusiasm and energy that marked the founding of the state out of the ashes of the Holocaust had been dimmed by the petty problems of getting by in a country with a massive defence burden and a lame economy.

It was the Soviet Union, for reasons never adequately clarified, that lit the fuse that would transform the region. In mid-May 1967, it declared that Israel was massing troops in the north in preparation for an attack on Syria. Israeli prime minister Levi Eshkol offered to personally tour the north with the Soviet ambassador to show it wasn't true. The ambassador declined.

There had been small-scale skirmishing between Israel and Syria over the headwaters of the Jordan and Israeli leaders had issued warnings, but there was no massing of troops. Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leading figure in the Arab world, felt impelled to come to Syria's aid. He moved his divisions through the Sinai desert towards Israel, ordered the removal of UN troops who had been stationed there since 1956, and closed the Straits of Tiran (which separates the Gulf of Aqaba from the Red Sea) to Israeli shipping.

Back in 1956, Nasser had blocked Israeli shipping from passing through the Straits. A short war followed with Israel capturing the whole of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. After the US pressured Israel to withdraw, Israel declared that if Egyptian forces would again blockade the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba, it would consider this a "casus belli" - case of war. Israel mobilised its reserves.

Nothing happened for more than two weeks. But mobilisation had paralysed the Israeli economy and Jerusalem had to either stand down or strike. On the morning of June 5, Israeli planes, flying low to avoid radar, suddenly rose into the Egyptian skies. Within three hours, the Egyptian air force was destroyed. Soon after, the Jordanian, Syrian and part of the Iraqi air forces were gone, too.

On the third day of the war, the West Bank and Jordanian Jerusalem fell. Syria's Golan Heights followed. The Arab world was stunned, Israel euphoric. The war catapulted Israel into a new era. Brimful of self-confidence and renewed energy, it attracted Jewish immigrants from the West and more than a million from the Soviet Union. Since 1967, Israel's population has tripled to 7.1 million (of whom 1.4 million are Israeli Arabs), its gross national product has grown by 630 per cent and per capita income has almost tripled to $21,000.

A major result of the Six Day War was to persuade the Arab world that Israel was too strong to be defeated. Internalising that view, Nasser's successor, Anwar Sadat, became in 1970 the first Arab leader to declare readiness to make peace with Israel if it withdrew from all territory it had captured in the Six Day War. Israel insisted, however, on territorial changes.

It took the 1973 Yom Kippur War to persuade Israel to withdraw from all Egyptian territory and for Egypt to agree to peace without insisting on Israel's withdrawal on other fronts as well.

The Oslo accords in 1993, marking the beginning of a dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians, also enabled Jordan to make peace with Israel without being accused of betraying the Palestinian cause.

In 2000, Syria announced its readiness for peace. Though negotiations with Damascus broke down, virtually the entire Arab world now accepted the legitimacy, or at least the existence, of the Jewish state in its midst.

But increasing radicalisation has brought to the Palestinian leadership a movement dedicated to Israel's destruction. If there is an answer for Israel, it lies, as in 1967, in bold and imaginative leadership — but this time on the political playing field.


West Bank Fence

The barrier route as of July 2006.


Extract: Article by Amos Harel,
July 14, 2009

Seven years after construction work began on the West Bank separation fence, the project seems to have run aground. Work has slowed significantly since September 2007. With fierce opposition coming from the United States, Israel has halted work on the "fingers" — enclaves east of the Green Line that were to have included large settlement blocs such as Ariel, Kedumim, Karnei Shomron and Ma'aleh Adumim, within the fence. The military has, in practice, closed up the holes that were to have led to these "fingers". But giant gaps remain in the southern part of the fence, particularly in the southern outskirts of Jerusalem, in the Etzion bloc and in the Judean Desert.

Since the cabinet under former prime minister Ariel Sharon first approved construction of the fence, in June 2002, the route has undergone some dramatic changes. The original route, which was inspired by Sharon, was to have effectively annexed about 20 percent of the territory of the West Bank to Israel.

In February 2005, the cabinet amended the route to include just nine percent of the West Bank. In April 2006 an additional one percent was shaved off by the government of Ehud Olmert.

In practice, however, the route encompasses only 4½ percent of West Bank land. The four "fingers" in the last map (and which Israel presented at Annapolis in November 2007) were never built, not at Ariel and Kedumim (where a "fingernail" was built, a short stretch of fence east of the homes of Ariel) — not at Karnei Shomron and Immanuel — not at Beit Arieh, nor south of that, at Ma'aleh Adumim. Instead, with little publicity, fences were put up to close the gaps closer to the Green Line, at Alfei Menashe instead of at Kedumim, at Elkana instead of Ariel and in the Rantis area instead of at Beit Arieh.

About 50,000 people in these settlements remain beyond the fence. West of Ma'aleh Adumim the wall built along Highway 1 blocks the gap in the barrier and leaves the city's 35,000 residents outside of the barrier, forcing them to pass through a Border Police checkpoint in order to reach Jerusalem.

Large gaps remain in the southern West Bank. Between Gilo in south Jerusalem and Gush Etzion are tens of kilometres of barrier, work on which was suspended due to High Court petitions. As a result access to Jerusalem from the direction of Bethlehem (now a part of the Palestinian Territories) is relatively easy — for commuters and terrorists both.

Click here for some news in Sep 2014.

A second, 30-kilometre gap in the fence, stretches from Metzudat Yehuda (Yatir) in the west to the Dead Sea in the east. The state announced during a recent High Court deliberation of a petition submitted by area Bedouin that work on the barrier there was suspended.

Defence Minister Ehud Barak is "determined to complete the security fence, despite the delays", his office said in a statement. "The minister and the military establishment are working to solve the problems delaying its completion".

Defence Ministry officials pointed out that Barak was "among the first supporters of the fence and did much to advance its construction".

Security officials claim the rate of construction depends on finding a solution to the legal issues and point out proudly that there is an unbroken barrier from Tirat Zvi in the Beit She'an Valley (in Northern Israel, just west of the Jordan River) to the southern entrance to Jerusalem, and from southern Gush Etzion (south west of Jerusalem) to Metzudat Yehuda (south east of Hebron).



East of East Jerusalem — E1 and Ma'ale Adumim

Click here for a larger picture

Photo December 1, 2012

The police station built in area E1, now many years ago. Notice there
are no residential areas around it. That will hopefully soon change.
Picture source A Goldstein

Click here for a recent article in 2023 on E1 and Ma'ale Adumim delayed but not abandoned

Unilateral Thinking (an article in April 2006)

Click here for the full article

Finally, after years in the planning prior to 2006, construction of an Israeli police station is under way in the now infamous E1 area, 12 square kilometers, a patch of empty West Bank land that stretches from the eastern municipal boundary of Jerusalem to the settlement-city of Ma'ale Adumim, which sits across the Jerusalem-Dead Sea highway some five kilometers (three miles) to the east.

Infamous, because every prime minister of Israel for the past decade has wanted to develop E1 in order to fill in the space between Ma'ale Adumim and Jerusalem, with the intention of securing Israel's hold over the settlement and its smaller satellite communities, which together constitute the Ma'ale Adumim settlement bloc. And every US administration up until now has nixed Israeli development here, on the grounds that it would seriously hamper Palestinian territorial contiguity between the north and south of the West Bank, as well as access from the West Bank to Jerusalem, thereby undermining the viability of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, the only realistic formula on the table for Israeli- Palestinian peace.

Ma'ale Adumim, a settlement of 33,000 residents, has for all intents and purposes become a suburb of Jerusalem, even the Palestinians have tacitly accepted the demographic reality. The Geneva Accord, the unofficial 2003 draft of an Israeli- Palestinian final-status agreement, envisaged the settlement remaining under Israeli control. The competition is over who controls the space in between. The Palestinians reject the notion of a permanent Israeli presence in E1, and consecutive US administrations have viewed this as the red line that Israel should not cross.

Building first started in Ma'ale Adumim itself in 1975, during Yitzhak Rabin's first term as prime minister. And it was Rabin, during his second term in office, in August 1994, who formally included E1 within Ma'ale Adumim's city limits, "or order to create territorial contiguity" between the fast-growing settlement and Jerusalem, according to Benny Kashriel, Ma'ale Adumim's mayor for the past 14 years. That Rabin term produced a general master plan for the area (the term E1 is short for East 1, as the parcel of land was marked on old Jerusalem area zoning maps). In 1997, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet commenced procedures to authorize the allocation of the land to built on, and the Housing Ministry started work on detailed plans. Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, supported the project, according to Kashriel, and the bureaucratic process for the approval of the plans got underway.



Gaza Strip

Map of Gaza Strip

Israeli Gaza Strip Barrier

The Israel and Egypt — Gaza Strip barrier is a separation barrier first constructed by Israel in 1994 between the Gaza Strip and Israel. An addition to the barrier was finished in 2005 to separate the Gaza Strip and Egypt. The fence runs along the entire land border of the Gaza Strip. It is made up of wire fencing with posts, sensors and buffer zones on lands bordering Israel, and concrete and steel walls on lands bordering Egypt.

Background: The Gaza Strip borders Egypt on the south-west and Israel on the south, east and north. It is about 41 kilometres long, and between 6 and 12 kilometres wide, with a population of about 2 million people. The shape of the territory was defined by the 1949 Armistice Agreement following the creation of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent war between the Israeli and Arab armies. Under the armistice agreement, Egypt administered the Strip for 19 years, to 1967, when it was occupied by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.

In 1993, Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation signed the Oslo Accords establishing the Palestinian Authority with limited administrative control of the Palestinian territories. Pursuant to the Accords, Israel has continued to maintain control of the Gaza Strip's airspace, land borders and territorial waters. Israel started construction of the first 60 kilometres long barrier between the Gaza Strip and Israel in 1994, after the signing of the Oslo Accords. In the 1994 Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, it was agreed that "the security fence erected by Israel around the Gaza Strip shall remain in place and that the line demarcated by the fence, as shown on the map, shall be authoritative only for the purpose of the Agreement" (ie. the barrier does not constitute the border). The barrier was completed in 1996.

The barrier was largely torn down by Palestinians at the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000. The barrier was rebuilt between December 2000 and June 2001. A one-kilometre buffer zone was added, in addition to new high technology observation posts. Soldiers were also given new rules of engagement, which, according to Ha'aretz, allow soldiers to fire at anyone seen crawling there at night. Palestinians attempting to cross the barrier into Israel by stealth have been shot and killed.

Hamas, a US-designated terrorist organisation, came to power in Gaza through elections held in 2006. It has since imposed authoritarian rule over the territory, clashing with the more moderate Fatah party — which runs the Palestinian Authority that controls parts of the West Bank — and losing much of its popularity.

October 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country was at war with Hamas after the militant group’s forces poured across the border from Gaza on Saturday October 7, killing over 1,000 residents and capturing over 200 hostages.

News since November 27 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he was ready to implement a ceasefire deal with Lebanon and would respond forcefully to any violation by Hezbollah, declaring Israel would retain "complete military freedom of action."
‘New start for Lebanon’: Joe Biden welcomes Israel truce with Hezbollah
The Australian
Jacquelin Magnay and Noah Yim
Wednesday November 27 2024

A ceasefire deal between Israel and Lebanon has been accepted. US President Joe Biden has confirmed that Israel and Hezbollah have agreed a 60-day ceasefire, saying the truce heralds a “new start” for Lebanon.

Speaking after the Israeli cabinet voted the deal through 10-1, Mr Biden said: “This is designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities,” Mr Biden said. He said Hezbollah – and what is left of the terrorist organisation – would “not be allowed to threaten the security of Israel again”.

The ceasefire agreement – overseen by the US and France – would see Israel withdraw troops over the next 60 days. Mr Biden said Israel “retains the right to self-defence” if Hezbollah “or anyone else” breaks the agreement. “This deal supports Lebanon’s sovereignty,” Mr Biden said. “So it heralds a new start for Lebanon – a country that I’ve seen most of over the years, a country with a rich history and culture. If fully implemented, this deal can put Lebanon on a path toward a future that’s worthy of its significant past.”

In a joint statement, Mr Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron said their two countries would ensure the ceasefire, to take effect at 4am local time (1pm AEDT) was “fully implemented.” They added that it would secure Israel “from threat of Hezbollah”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he was ready to implement a ceasefire deal with Lebanon and would respond forcefully to any violation by Hezbollah, declaring Israel would retain "complete military freedom of action."

Mr Biden repeated a call for a ceasefire in Gaza and for the remaining hostages to be released. “Just as Lebanese people deserve a future of security and prosperity, so do the people of Gaza. They too deserve an end to the fighting and displacement. People of Gaza have been through hell. Their world’s absolutely shattered. Far too many civilians in Gaza have suffered far too much. And Hamas has refused for months and months to negotiate a good faith ceasefire and a hostage deal. So now Hamas has a choice to make. Their only way out is to release the hostages including American citizens which they hold. In the process – bring an end to the fighting which would make possible a surge of humanitarian relief. Over the coming days, the US will make another push with Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Israel and others to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, for the hostages’ release, and the end of the war without Hamas in power.”

Mr Netanyahu thanked Mr Biden for US “involvement” in the Washington-led truce. Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati welcomed the ceasefire, describing it as a crucial step toward stability, the return of displaced people to their homes and regional calm.

Earlier, Mr Netanyahu insisted the agreement allowed Israel “full liberty” to attack again if Hezbollah launched missiles, expanded its tunnel network or prepared for any aggression in violation of the ceasefire. “The duration of the ceasefire depends on what happens in Lebanon,” Mr Netanyahu said. “If Hezbollah violates it, we will attack. I hear the claim that we cannot renew the war. I remind you – this is precisely what I was told during the ceasefire in Gaza, and we returned to fight, and in a big way.”

As the Israeli Defence Forces pounded Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut, he stressed that Israel had set Hezbollah back decades, with the terror group now not enjoying the same capabilities, leadership or command structure anymore. “Hezbollah is no longer the same. We set them back decades,” he said. “We have destroyed many missiles and rockets, we have killed many terrorists.”

Mr Netanyahu said there were three reasons this was the right time for Israel to engage in a ceasefire with Hezbollah, with the priority to focus on removing the nuclear threat posed by Iran. “The first is to focus on the Iranian threat, enough said. The second is to refresh our forces and rearm our troops. There have been big delays in the supply of arms and this delay is about to stop soon,” he said. “We will arm ourselves with sophisticated arms to protect our troops and give us greater force to complete our missions. The third is to isolate Hamas. Hamas was counting on Hezbollah and once Hezbollah is eliminated, Hamas is left alone. Our pressure on Hamas will grow stronger and help in the sacred mission to bring back our hostages.”

The deal is for both sides to cease attacks for 60 days and for Hezbollah to pull back its troops north of the Litani river, which is about 30km from the Israeli border. The Lebanese government is to send 5000 of its own forces into this zone. The Israeli military will also withdraw its troops from Lebanese territory over the coming weeks.

Much of the deal is similar to a UN Security Council Resolution 1701 agreed back in 2006 to end conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, but which was often breached. The pact allows for further negotiations and a longer peace deal to be worked out over the next 60 days, leading to what is expected to be the end of the 14 month conflict which has caused thousands of deaths and displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the truce would help secure an end to the war in Gaza. “One of the things that Hamas has sought from day one is to get others in on the fight, to create multiple fronts … and as long as it thought that was possible, that’s one of the reasons it has held back from doing what is necessary to end the conflict,” Mr Blinken told reporters at the G7 in Italy. “If it sees that the cavalry is not on the way, that may incentivise it to do what it needs to do to end this conflict.”

On Tuesday, ahead of the agreement being signed off by the Israeli security cabinet, Israel launched a massive strike on southern Beirut suburbs, saying they were targeting Hezbollah’s naval missile unite and command headquarters.

The Israel army said 30 Hezbollah sites had been targeted in the past week and criticised the Iranian proxy group of operating from dense civilian areas to use the local population as human shields. The Tuesday strikes included 13 terror targets in the Dahieh area, taking out a Hezbollah aerial defence unit centre, an intelligence centre, command centre and weapons storage facilities. Seven other targets were components of Hezbollah’s financial system.
Footage shows in these final hours before the ceasefire Hezbollah had also fired a barrage of rockets into northern Israel.

An Israeli intelligence officer told NBC News that the ceasefire deal was intensely debated. “The strongest voices against this deal come from the leaders of the Israeli towns and villages along the north”, the official said. “All the leaders there are speaking with a very clear voice, in one voice, all of them say it is a terrible deal. That’s not what we expected. We are not going to urge our people to return to these dangerous places.”

British military analyst and former paratrooper Andrew Fox said the war has seen 60,000 Israelis displaced, over 17,500 rockets and drones launched at Israel, over 13,000 Hezbollah targets struck by Israel, over 2,100 Hezbollah operatives killed and over 14,500 wounded, with over 80 per cent of Hezbollah’s 130,000-150,000 missiles and rocket stores destroyed. He added: “The Israel Defence Force have cleared along the immediate border with Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah fighting locations and terror tunnels, which were found stocked with uniforms and weaponry to launch 7 October-style terror attacks into Israel itself.”

A five-country committee, chaired by the US is to ensure compliance with the ceasefire.

A staff member of a Lebanese non-governmental organisation salvages items at its branch that was damaged in an Israeli strike on a nearby building in Beirut on Monday. Picture: AFP
Nine die in Israeli ‘retaliation’ attack
Wednesday December 4 2024

Nine people were killed in Israeli strikes on villages in southern Lebanon on Monday, after Israel said it was taking aim at dozens of Hezbollah targets in retaliation for an attack claimed by the militant group amid a fragile ceasefire. Israel and Hezbollah faced accusations of breaching the truce, which took effect last Wednesday to end a war that has killed thousands of people in Lebanon and sparked mass displacements on both sides of the border.

The Israeli military said it “struck Hezbollah terrorists, dozens of launchers, and terrorist infrastructure throughout Lebanon”. “Israel demands that the relevant parties in Lebanon fulfil their responsibilities and prevent Hezbollah’s hostile activity,” the statement said. Earlier, Hezbollah said it had launched an attack targeting an Israeli position in a disputed part of the border area between Israel and Lebanon.

Israel’s military said Hezbollah had launched two projectiles towards one of its posts in the area of Har Dov, Israel’s term for the disputed Shebaa Farms. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hezbollah of a “serious violation” and vowed to “respond forcefully”. “We are determined to uphold the ceasefire and respond to any violation by Hezbollah, no matter how minor or serious,” he said. Israeli Defence Minister Israel Katz also vowed a “harsh response”. Shortly afterwards, the Israeli military said it was striking targets in Lebanon.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency reported strikes on areas of south Lebanon, where Hezbollah has long held sway, that are located around 20km from the border with Israel. Israel has carried out a near-daily series of strikes in southern Lebanon since the ceasefire was put in place, and earlier on Monday Beirut’s powerful parliament speaker Nabih Berri accused it of violating the truce. “The aggressive actions carried out by Israeli occupation forces... represent a flagrant violation of the terms of the ceasefire agreement,” said Mr Berri, who helped mediate the truce on behalf of ally Hezbollah.

Under the ceasefire deal, Hezbollah must withdraw its fighters from areas south of the Litani river, and dismantle its military infrastructure in the south. As part of the agreement, the Lebanese army and UN peacekeepers will deploy in southern Lebanon as the Israeli army withdraws over a period of 60 days. A committee involving France, UN peacekeepers, Israel, Lebanon and chaired by the US is tasked with maintaining communication between the various parties and ensuring violations are identified and dealt with to avoid any escalation.


Anti-Semitic graffiti in Woollahra in Sydney’s east. Picture: Rohan Kelly
Anti-Semitism: At last, a belated recognition of a scourge which was allowed to fester
The Australian front page
Cameron Stewart
Thursday December 12 2024

Anthony Albanese, it seems, finally gets it. His emotional and powerful press conference at Sydney’s Jewish Museum on Wednesday could, and should, have been given many, many months ago, long before the ugly spectre of anti-Semitism took root and spread its poison across this country. It took a car set alight in Sydney in an anti-Semitic attack for the second time in weeks and terrorist firebombing of a beloved synagogue in Melbourne’s Jewish heartland to shake an emotional Prime Minister into giving the sort of response that the country’s Jewish community and many non-Jewish Australian had been pleading for since Jews were targeted at the Opera House on October 9 last year.

By any measure, we are living through an ugly moment. We are seeing a scourge of anti-Semitism in this country on a scale that is unprecedented and is now creating global headlines.

So what has gone wrong until now? At one level, the answer is simple. Before the Prime Minister’s strong but belated response on Wednesday, the truth was that the fish had rotted from the head. This includes, but is not limited to, Albanese and Penny Wong who, through a mixture of naivety, weakness and expediency in failing to recognise and act on the problem early on, helped to set the permissive tone for what has followed. And now, it seems, the horse has bolted.

This was not their intention, but it is a reality and it amounts to a failure of political leadership.

When Wong’s increasingly hostile policies towards Israel see her criticising it on a near-daily basis, including by equating it this week with the dictatorships of Russia and China, it emboldens those misfits tempted by hate crimes.

No one is pretending that Albanese and Wong are not horrified by anti-Semitism, as all decent Australians are, and they are entirely within their rights politically to criticise Israel over its conduct in the Gaza war. But there are real-life consequences in Australia to the government’s policy backflip over Israel that should have been grappled with much earlier, before synagogues were burning. Language matters, actions matter, and until Wednesday, these have been too equivocal for too long.

As former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni, who has observed anti-Semitism all her life, told me this week, societies that lacked strong political leadership to stamp out anti-Semitism early are doomed to have it rear its ugly head later.

Yet those with partisan political axes to grind who choose only to blame the federal government are ignoring the broader failures of leadership that have also led Australia to this moment.

In Victoria, where almost half of the 905 national instances of anti-Semitism took place in the past year, the Victorian state Labor government of Jacinta Allan has been all but missing in action. Allan did nothing as school kids skipped school to call for the eradication of Israel and has done nothing to act on anti-Semitic chants or the carrying of anti-Semitic signs at the weekly protests through the middle of Melbourne. It has largely taken a “nothing to see here” ­approach to the problem.

On campuses, vice-chancellors could not muster the courage to call out and take action against the racist elements of the anti-Israel encampments until the damage had been done and Jewish students all but chased from campus.

Police chiefs have also given the appearance of being paralysed by the conflict, instructing their officers to watch rather than swoop to stamp on anti-Semitism whenever it appears at rallies and in protests that have even been allowed to take place outside synagogues.

Local councils around the country have been little short of disgraceful, spending endless hours debating meaningless resolutions on Israel, many of which have been anti-Semitic rather than political, rather than concentrating on collecting the bins.

There have been some honourable exceptions to these failures of leadership. Ever since the disgraceful protest outside the Opera House on October 9 last year, NSW Premier Chris Minns has been far more proactive than either the federal government or his Victorian counterpart in condemning and taking action against anti-Semitism.

Albanese is now moving to take the issue as seriously as it should have been taken many months ago, by setting up an Australian Federal Police special operation for anti-Semitism.

But anti-­Semitism in Australia has been festering and growing since Oct­ober 7 last year. It should never have taken so long for this taskforce to emerge. And now the anti-Semitism genie is fully out of the bottle, with copycat crimes being committed. We’ve seen the danger of copycat hate crimes in Australia before. The deadly spate of Islamic State-inspired attacks here from 2014 to 2018 were carried out mostly by youths who bore hate in their hearts. Thankfully no one has yet been killed by acts of anti-­Semitism, and the government is finally, belatedly, taking strong steps to tackle it. But it should never have got to this.

This fish should never have rotted at all, much less from the head.

Copycat crimes and anti-social criminals have been around for years, for those who watched "Once upon a time in Hollywood" with Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie, click here for a more accurate timeline involving Charles Manson (1935-2017). Along with Tex Watson, who, though still locked up in jail since those events 55 years ago in July-August 1969, has become a Christian minister. Irony everywhere. Who can tell?

Keith Siegel (L) Sagui Dekel-Chen (R) will be among the first hostages to be released.
Cease-fire Status as Israel, Hamas agree to truce that starts 9.15pm Sunday AEDT
The Australian
Joe Kelly, Jacquelin Magnay, and Agencies
Thursday January 16 2025

Two American hostages are expected to be released in the first phase of the peace deal between Israel and Hamas, as the ceasefire begins on Sunday at 9.15pm (AEDT). The agreement for a ceasefire and hostage return was confirmed earlier on Thursday (AEDT), with Qatar confirming the truce would begin on Sunday.

Sagui Dekel-Chen, 36, released Feb 15 and Keith Siegel, who is in his 60s, released Feb 1 will be among the first tranche of freed hostages, which will see the release of women, children, elderly and wounded hostages, CNN, NBC and Reuters report. Mr Siegel’s wife, Aviva, was among those released in the 2023 ceasefire agreement. Mr Dekel-Chen was shot during the October 7 massacre, which qualified him for release under the wounded category, a US official told NBC.

Earlier this week, Arab media reported that American hostages were being moved to safe places ahead of the expected truce.

US President Joe Biden this morning confirmed the “full and complete” ceasefire in the first part of the peace accord, and said he had acted as “one team” with incoming leader Donald Trump.

Speaking at the White House just days before he leaves office, a visibly relieved Mr Biden said the negotiations to halt the Gaza conflict had been some of the “toughest” of his career. “I’m deeply satisfied this day has come, finally come,” Mr Biden said in a televised statement. A number of Americans would be among the hostages who would be released by Palestinian militants in Gaza, he added.

The first phase of the deal would last six weeks and include a “full and complete ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces from all the populated areas of Gaza and the release of a number of hostages held by Hamas,” Mr Biden said. The as yet unfinalised second phase would bring a “permanent end to the war,” he said, adding he was “confident” the deal would hold.

At a press conference alongside his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and Vice President, Kamala Harris, Mr Biden said, quoting from the Bible: “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

Mr Biden said the strategic equation in the Middle East region had now been changed, noting that Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas had all been weakened. “There was no other way for this war to end other than a hostage deal,” Mr Biden said. He said the breakthrough would allow the people of Gaza a chance to recover and rebuild, declaring that the “Palestinian people have gone through hell”.

Israel said several points in the deal still needed to be resolved but expected them to be “finalised tonight,” even as news spread that an agreement with Hamas had been reached. “Several clauses in the framework remain unresolved, and we hope that the details will be finalised tonight,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

Mr Netanyahu spoke with Mr Trump and thanked him for his help in advancing the release of hostages, according to a statement from Netanyahu’s office. The two agreed to meet soon in Washington, the statement added. Mr Netanyahu also spoke with President Biden and thanked him, too, for his help in advancing the deal, according to the PM’s office. Mr Netanyahu won’t make a public statement until the final details of the agreement are signed off, his office said.

A main pending issue is the list of Palestinian prisoners to be released by Israel in exchange for the hostages in Gaza, an Israeli official said. The accord needs approval by Israel’s security cabinet and government. The cabinet is expected to vote on it Thursday local time.

In a written statement, Mr Biden also referred to his ceasefire proposal put forward in May, which is broadly similar to the terms laid out in this deal. He said the agreement was “the result not only of the extreme pressure that Hamas has been under and the changed regional equation after a ceasefire in Lebanon and weakening of Iran — but also of dogged and painstaking American diplomacy. My diplomacy never ceased in their efforts to get this done.”

The agreement opens a pathway to end the 15-month war that has at times threatened to spark a wider regional conflict in the Middle East. The deal will be implemented in phases, beginning with an exchange of some of the hostages held in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and moving on to talks over a broader end to the fighting. Those latter talks will likely be contentious, as Israel and Hamas remain at odds over whether there should be a permanent halt to the fighting.

The terms of the agreement aren’t substantially different from those that were available months ago when more Israeli hostages remained alive and before thousands more Palestinians lost their lives. But several factors have pushed the parties closer recently.

Both sides were galvanised by President-elect Donald Trump’s imminent return to office. The incoming president said a week ago that “all hell will break out in the Middle East” if the hostages weren’t released by the time he is inaugurated on January 20, repeating a threat he had made earlier. He hasn’t explained what he means, but said last week it wouldn’t be good for Hamas or “frankly, for anyone”. JD Vance said the incoming administration would use sanctions and force to advance a ceasefire.

Mr Trump announced the peace deal before it was officially declared, writing on Truth Social: “WE HAVE A DEAL FOR THE HOSTAGES IN THE MIDDLE EAST. THEY WILL BE RELEASED SHORTLY. THANK YOU!” In a second post on Truth Social, Mr Trump said his administration would work closely with Israel to make sure Gaza “NEVER again becomes a terrorist safe haven” and to expand the Abraham Accords.

“With this deal in place, my National Security team, through the efforts of Special Envoy to the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, will continue to work closely with Israel and our Allies to make sure Gaza NEVER again becomes a terrorist safe haven,” Mr Trump wrote. “We will continue promoting PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH throughout the region, as we build upon the momentum of this ceasefire to further expand the Historic Abraham Accords. This is only the beginning of great things to come for America, and indeed, the World!” he wrote.

Crowds of Gazans chanted and embraced as news spread that the deal had been reached. “I can’t believe that this nightmare of more than a year is finally coming to an end. We have lost so many people, we’ve lost everything,” said Randa Sameeh, a 45-year-old displaced from Gaza City to the Nuseirat Camp in the centre of the territory. “We need a lot of rest. As soon as the truce begins, I will go to the cemetery to visit my brother and family members. We buried them in Deir el-Balah cemetery without proper graves. We will build them new graves and write their names on them.”

Outside Deir al-Balah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, where so many of the war’s casualties have been taken, hundreds of Palestinians gathered to chant, sing and wave flags, AFPTV footage showed.

In a statement, Hamas credited its “valiant resistance in the Gaza Strip” and the “legendary steadfastness of our great Palestinian people”. ”It is a turning point in the conflict with the enemy, on the path to achieving our people’s goals of liberation and return,” Hamas said. “We express our appreciation and thanks for all the honourable official and popular positions that showed solidarity with Gaza, stood with our people, and contributed to exposing the occupation and stopping the aggression, Arab, Islamic, and international, and special thanks to the mediator brothers, who made great efforts to reach this agreement.”

Negotiators – including Steve Witkoff, Trump’s designated Middle East envoy, along with officials from the US, Israel and Arab countries – reconvened at midday local time in Doha, Qatar, to finalise the draft, said Arab officials who are helping mediate the talks for an accord before Donald Trump returns to the White House on January 20. The first stage of the deal would pause the fighting in Gaza and allow for the release of some Palestinian prisoners held in Israel in exchange for the release of 33 hostages being held in Gaza. The hostages to be released would include women, children, people with severe injuries and those above the age of 50, according to a draft seen by The Wall Street Journal. Hamas would also hand over dead bodies.

Hamas and its allies still hold 94 of the 251 hostages taken from Israel, including at least 34 of whom are dead, according to the Israeli government.

The real test for the ceasefire could come after the first 16 days, when the parties will begin debating whether to extend the pause into a permanent halt to the fighting over the second and third stages of the deal. These stages would also include the release of all the hostages and eventually a plan to rebuild Gaza.

Hamas accepted verbal guarantees from the US, Qatar, Egypt and Turkey that Israel would continue negotiations for a permanent ceasefire after the expiration of the first phase of the deal, Arab mediators said. The Israeli and Hamas teams were at the same location but not in the same room, with messages exchanged via the mediators, The Wall St Journal reported. Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another militant group in Gaza that is also holding some hostages, joined the talks on Wednesday, the WSJ reported.

Israel still doesn’t know how many of the 33 hostages meant to be released in the first stage of the deal are dead, but believes the majority are still alive, Israeli officials said. This means Israel can’t yet say how many Palestinian prisoners will be released because Hamas is asking for more to be released in exchange for living than dead hostages, the officials added. The release of hostages is expected to be spread out over several weeks at least, the mediators said.

Israeli hospitals and medical teams are preparing to receive the hostages to be released in the deal, many of whom are believed to be in poor condition due to lack of food and hygiene, mistreatment by their captors and the risk of Israeli air strikes. Far-right members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government have publicly denounced the deal, which they say will end Israel’s war in Gaza without uprooting Hamas. But in recent days Netanyahu has made headway toward shoring up support for the deal within his government, even without far-right votes, according to people familiar with the matter.

The fighting in Gaza was triggered by the Hamas-led October 7, 2023, attack on southern Israel, which left about 1200 dead and some 250 people taken hostage. More than 46,000 people have been killed in Gaza, according to Palestinian health authorities, who don’t say how many were combatants. Israel says 94 hostages taken on October 7, 2023, remain in Gaza, most of them Israeli. They include dual nationals and more than 30 hostages who Israel has concluded are no longer alive, based on intelligence findings, but Israeli and US officials privately believe the number of dead is much higher. Four additional hostages, taken before the Hamas-led attack, bring the total to 98.

As part of the proposed agreement, Israeli forces would remain in some parts of Gaza when the fighting stops but would eventually withdraw from the corridor along Gaza’s border with Egypt and another that bisects the Gaza Strip. Hamas agreed to put off resolving some differences with Israel to the second phase of the deal, including over the buffer zones Israel wants to maintain along the eastern and northern edges of Gaza, Arab mediators said.

The militant group also agreed that Palestinians released from long jail terms would leave the Palestinian territories and live in exile abroad with their families.

AFP, Dow Jones

Israeli demonstrators at a protest in Tel Aviv calling for action to secure the hostages' release embrace as news of the deal comes through

Update Friday 17th January
Phase One, due to start Sunday 19th January, lasting 42 days

Under the agreement, three hostages would be released by Hamas initially, followed by four more on the seventh day after which three hostages would be released once a week. The final 14 hostages would be freed during the final week of phase one. In return, the Jewish state would release Palestinian prisoners including women, children, the elderly and the injured, while humanitarian assistance would be surged into Gaza.

For every civilian or child hostage that Hamas releases, Israel would release 30 Palestinian children or women held for security offences; for every kidnapped Israeli soldier that Hamas releases, the Jewish state would release 50 Palestinian prisoners. In total, more than 1000 Palestinian security prisoners would be released in return for the initial 33 hostages. The remaining hostages – thought to number more than 60 – would be released only if both sides reach agreement on a way forward, with negotiations for phase two beginning two weeks into the ceasefire.

For the deal to hold, Hamas and Israel will need to negotiate a “permanent end of the war” within the initial six weeks. Mr Biden provided an assurance the 42-day deadline could be indefinitely extended if talks dragged out.

“Finally, phase three – any final remains of hostages who have been killed will be returned to their families. And a major reconstruction plan for Gaza will begin,” Mr Biden said.

From left: Romi Gonen, Emily Damari and Doron Steinbrecher (Courtesy)
Times of Israel update Sunday 19th January

The Hamas terror group gave Israel the names of the three female hostages to be released later in the day, allowing weapons in Gaza to go silent as a long-elusive ceasefire went into effect after a brief delay Sunday morning.
The families of Romi Gonen, 24, Emily Damari, 28, and Doron Steinbrecher, 31, confirmed that they were to be freed Sunday afternoon.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office confirmed late Sunday morning that it had received the list of names from Hamas, announcing that a ceasefire would go into effect at 11:15am local time (8:15pm AEDT) after defense officials went over the details of Hamas’s list.

Donald Trump invites Benjamin Netanyahu to White House on February 4
The Australian
AFP, Dow Jones
Thursday January 30 2025

Donald Trump has invited Benjamin Netanyahu to a meeting at the White House on February 4, the Israeli Prime Minister’s office has announced. “Prime Minister Netanyahu is the first foreign leader to be invited to the White House during President Trump’s second term,” the PMO said in a statement. The White House confirmed Mr Netanyahu had been invited, but an official told Israel media a date had not yet been set for a meeting with the president.

The Times of Isarel reports that Mr Trump wrote to Mr Netanyahu in the invitation: “I look forward to discussing how we can bring peace to Israel and its neighbors, and efforts to counter our shared adversaries.” Mr Netanyahu, who is currently giving testimony in his ongoing corruption trial, will have to ask for a pause in court proceedings to travel to Washington.

The Trump-Netanyahu meeting comes after Mr Trump repeatedly claimed credit for sealing an ongoing ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which came after months of fruitless negotiations. After the ceasefire took effect, Mr Trump touted a plan to “clean out” the Gaza Strip, calling for Palestinians to relocate to neighbouring countries such as Egypt or Jordan. The idea has faced strong backlash from Egypt and Jordan as well as from European governments.

On Monday Mr Trump elaborated on the plan, telling reporters on Air Force One that he wants to relocate Gaza residents to “an area where they can live without disruption and revolution and violence.” Moving Palestinians from Gaza, he said, would “get people living in areas that are a lot safer and maybe a lot better and maybe a lot more comfortable.” He again pushed Egypt and Jordan, to help with the plan. “We helped them a lot, and I’m sure he’d help us. He’s a friend of mine, ” Mr Trump said of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi. “I think he would do it, and I think the king of Jordan would do it too.”

Egypt, Jordan, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, which governs parts of the West Bank, have all rejected the idea of relocating Palestinians. The Arab League, a group of 22 nations, said Monday the proposal would only prolong the conflict. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday (local time) the expulsion of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip would be “unacceptable”.

“In light of recent public statements, I say very clearly that any relocation plans - the idea that the citizens of Gaza will be expelled to Egypt or Jordan -- is unacceptable,” Mr Scholz said at a town hall event in Berlin. Arab officials from Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are also discussing holding an emergency meeting for Arab states to make public their opposition to Mr Trump’s proposal and put pressure on him to change course, according to Arab officials familiar with the talks.

During his first term, Mr Trump frequently claimed that Israel “never had a better friend in the White House”, a sentiment often echoed by Mr Netanyahu. However, the Trump-Netanyahu relationship soured briefly after the Israeli leader congratulated Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory. Mr Trump, who falsely claimed to have won the 2020 election, accused Mr Netanyahu of disloyalty, according to multiple media reports at the time.

Nonetheless, soon after taking office for his second term, the President reportedly approved a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, which the Biden administration had previously halted.

In other news


New York: Israel, backed by Washington, will cease contact with the UN’s Palestinian humanitarian relief agency UNRWA and any body acting on its behalf, drawing condemnation from aid groups. Signalling a shift in the US position on the agency by the Trump administration, an American envoy supported the decision and called for a probe into Israeli claims UNRWA sites were used by Palestinian militant group Hamas.

UNRWA’s offices and staff in Israel play a major role in the provision of healthcare and education to Palestinians, including those living in Gaza, devastated by 15 months of war with Israel. Fighting destroyed hospitals and sparked outbreaks of disease, while hundreds of thousands of Gazans faced starvation conditions and have depended on food aid. The organisation says it has brought in 60 per cent of the food to have reached Gaza since the start of the war, which was ignited by Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attacks on Israel. But it has long clashed with Israeli officials, who have repeatedly accused it of undermining the country’s security.

“The legislation forbids UNWRA from operating within the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, and forbids any contact between Israeli officials and UNWRA,” Israeli envoy Danny Danon told the UN Security Council on Tuesday. Israeli orders for UNRWA to leave its offices in East Jerusalem prompted a strongly worded response from UN chief Antonio Guterres, who demanded Israel “retract it”. His intervention sets up a possible showdown between authorities and UNRWA staff. Israel claims that a dozen UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 massacre, and insists other organisations can pick up the slack to provide essential services, aid and reconstruction.

A series of probes found some “neutrality-related issues” at UNRWA – but stressed Israel had not provided evidence for its chief allegations. Agency chief Philippe Lazzarini said UNRWA capacity “far exceeds that of any other entity”. He called Israel’s actions against UNRWA a “relentless assault … harming the lives and future of Palestinians across the occupied Palestinian territory”.

But the US threw its weight behind the move of its closest Middle East ally, accusing Mr Lazzarini of overstating the impact of the decision. “UNRWA exaggerating the effects of the laws and suggesting that they will force (out) the entire humanitarian response is irresponsible and dangerous,” US representative to the UN Dorothy Shea said. “UNRWA is not and never has been the only option.”

Under the previous Biden administration, Washington had supported UNRWA’s continuing its work – but withheld funding at the insistence of congress.

On Israeli claims that Hamas used UNRWA sites, which in Gaza include schools, clinics and depots, to hold hostages, Ms Shea said “it is vital for a full and independent investigation to assess these very serious allegations”. The Palestinian ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said only UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority could help his people.

US President Donald Trump proposed the permanent resettlement of Palestinians from war-shattered Gaza to neighboring countries, calling the enclave a "demolition site" on Tuesday as he held pivotal talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin.
‘The US will take over Gaza’: Trump digs in over Palestinians after talks with Netanyahu
The Australian
Alexander Ward and Dov Lieber, Dow Jones
Wednesday February 5 2025

President Trump has told reporters the US will “take over” and level the Gaza Strip, saying it could become the “Riviera of the Middle East,” as he doubled down on a proposal that millions of Palestinians should leave Gaza for neighbouring countries. Despite his proposal being rejected by Arab countries and the Palestinians themselves, Trump said “long term ownership” by the US of the enclave would “bring great stability to that part of the Middle East.”

“The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too. We’ll love it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous bombs and other weapons on the site… and get rid of the destroyed buildings [and] create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing,” he told reporters as he stood alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after the two held closed-door talks.

Mr Trump cited the devastation in Gaza for why the enclave’s two million Palestinians had to move and said if America “owned” the Strip, “I’m hopeful this will be the beginning of lasting peace. I hope we can do something where they wouldn’t want to go back,” Trump said. The president added that he would like to see “really good quality housing” built for Palestinians outside Gaza while the strip undergoes reconstruction, which Trump administration officials said Tuesday could take 10 to 15 years. “Everyone I’ve spoken to loves the idea,” he said. “Hamas has made it so bad, so dangerous. By (taking over Gaza) I think we will bring great peace.”

He added: “This is not just for Israel. This is for everybody in the Middle East. Somewhere they can partake in terms of jobs, living. Other countries in the Middle East love the idea.” Netanyahu, asked whether Israel would accept the US taking over land that has such historical importance for them, said it would “change history,” and was “worth pursuing.”

Trump also didn’t rule out supporting Israel if it decides to strike Iran to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon. “We just don’t want them to have a nuclear weapon,” he said, adding, “we’ll see what happens.” Trump also signed an order to reimpose “maximum pressure” on Iran, a first step toward toughening enforcement of sanctions on Iranian oil exports and other parts of its economy imposed during his first term.

Trump’s plans for Iran are perhaps the murkiest part of his Middle East agenda, at one moment appearing to encourage Netanyahu to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, something that could certainly trigger a broader war, while simultaneously saying he wants to avoid a war and cut a deal with Tehran. He said he was “torn” about signing the memorandum. “Everybody wants me to sign it,” Trump said. “I’ll do that.”

Trump didn’t address who would take over Gaza if Palestinian residents departed and didn’t return. Right-wing Israeli politicians have called for resettlement of Gaza. But that option would remove a significant portion of Palestinian territory that US presidents — including the first Trump administration — have said for decades would form part of a Palestinian state.

Trump has yet to publicly address whether he has any plan to revive the moribund process aimed at achieving a Palestinian state alongside Israel, a goal that would be all the harder if the US pressures Gaza residents to abandon their land. The future of the precarious Gaza ceasefire was expected to dominate much of the closed-door discussion between Trump and Netanyahu in the Oval Office Tuesday.

A commitment from Netanyahu to negotiate an extension and potentially a long-term cessation of hostilities in Gaza would give Trump a diplomatic win, and could secure the release of remaining hostages, including some Americans. Trump has floated the idea of moving the more than two million Palestinians in Gaza out of the territory so it can be rebuilt, a suggestion that has been rebuffed by Arab states even as it has been welcomed by far-right Israeli politicians.Top diplomats from Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar rejected “evictions” of Palestinians “in any form or under any circumstances or justifications,” in a statement after a meeting in Cairo on Saturday.

White House officials argued Tuesday that mass relocation from Gaza was the only viable option and that they could persuade Egypt and Jordan to accept displaced Palestinians. Trump has invited Jordan’s King Abdullah and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to the White House for talks later this month.

Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff said the three- to five-year timeline called for in the ceasefire agreement for reconstruction of Gaza’s shattered housing and infrastructure isn’t realistic. A more accurate estimate is 10 to 15 years, a senior official said. “At some point, we have to look realistically. How do you rebuild Gaza,” said White House national-security adviser Mike Waltz. “What does that look like? What’s the timeline? These people are sitting with literally thousands of unexploded ordnance, in piles of rubble”.

But US officials have yet to outline how they will remove Palestinians from Gaza if they don’t leave voluntarily. Moving forward with the plan could undercut Trump and Netanyahu’s larger goal of a reaching a normalisation agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Sharren Haskel said in an interview Tuesday she was “open” to Trump’s proposal to relocate Palestinians out of Gaza, saying it was worth “discussion.” Netanyahu is under crosscutting pressure from his right-wing coalition to end a temporary truce against Hamas militants in Gaza and from other Israelis who want the remaining hostages freed and an end to the 15-month conflict. Indirect talks on extending the 42-day fighting pause were supposed to begin Monday in Qatar, but Netanyahu was in Washington, delaying a decision on engaging with Hamas until after his meeting with Trump.

Trump seems intent on not letting the Gaza war drag on, bogging down his presidency in prolonged negotiations the way the Biden administration was — a message he repeated Tuesday. “Fundamentally, this is about laying down a marker for Netanyahu that he is going to have to be much more accommodating to Trump’s preferences than he was to Biden’s,” said Jonathan Panikoff, a former senior intelligence official who is at the Atlantic Council think tank.

Netanyahu has said he is prepared to restart the fighting in Gaza and the country’s military is seeking to further isolate Hamas from the civilian population, military analysts said. He is under pressure from many in his own Likud party and members of his governing coalition not to accept a complete halt to the conflict. But he might be willing to extend the ceasefire in return for a commitment from Trump to diminish Iran’s regional influence and prevent the regime from moving closer to becoming a nuclear-weapons state, a goal that would require intensified US economic pressure and possibly military action.

For Netanyahu the Oval Office meeting with Trump was one of the most important for an Israeli prime minister in years, said Amir Avivi, a former senior security official and founder of the Israel Defense and Security Forum think tank. “It revolves around building an overall strategy for how the Middle East will be shaped for decades.”

Tehran hasn’t made a decision to build a nuclear weapon, according to US intelligence assessments. They are within weeks of being able to make enough nuclear material for a bomb, though it would take longer to make an actual nuclear device. Trump and his national-security team have discussed the possibility of striking Iranian facilities, though the president has said little to indicate he is eager to use force and is open to negotiations over Tehran’s program and proxy network. Netanyahu has long tried to convince Trump that military force is the most effective way to disarm Iran.

The two leaders share a vision of normalising ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a diplomatic goal that could reshape the Middle East and end Israel’s isolation by Arab states. But a hurdle remains because Riyadh has made establishing a clear pathway to a Palestinian state a condition for recognising Israel. On Monday, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he would oppose normalisation with Saudi Arabia if Israel had to recognise Palestinian national rights, if Israel’s ability to topple Hamas was impaired, or if the deal strengthened the Palestinian Authority. The PA governs Palestinians in the West Bank and is favoured by Riyadh to lead Palestinians into statehood in Gaza and the West Bank.

But Netanyahu may not be a captive to his current coalition since opposition parties have vowed to keep his government alive as long as he pursues the release of Israeli hostages. Netanyahu might even prefer to shake up his coalition or go to early elections, said Abraham Diskin, professor emeritus at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University. “Coalition considerations are secondary,” Diskin said.

Despite Netanyahu’s pressures back home, in the Oval Office, Trump will aim to persuade the Israeli leader to adopt his vision, or at least reframe his own. “I’d be shocked if Netanyahu leaves without a promise to Trump that he will honour the second phase of the ceasefire,” said Bilal Saab, a former Pentagon official in the first Trump administration. “Trump will give him hell if he doesn’t.”

A billboard thanking Donald Trump on the facade of a hotel building in Tel Aviv. Picture: AFP.
World Reaction
Thursday February 6 2025

World leaders have rejected the plan outright, with the UK, Germany and China joining Arab countries in declaring Gaza belonged to the Palestinians. Riyadh said it would not formalise ties with Israel without a Palestinian state, while rejecting any “attempts to displace the Palestinian people from their land”. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also lashed out, saying relocating Palestinians was something “neither we nor the region can accept”. The UAE rejected “any attempts of displacement”, saying “regional stability can only be attained through the two-state solution”.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Gazans “must be allowed home. They must be allowed to rebuild.” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Gaza “belongs to the Palestinians”, while Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian said: “We are opposed to the forced transfer of the residents of Gaza.”

The Arab League said Trump’s proposal was a “recipe for instability,” while Israeli human rights group B’Tselem described Mr Trump’s plan as “deranged and reprehensible” and a “moral stain on all involved”.

However Israel’s right wing politicians praised the plan, with far right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a strident opponent of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal, saying in a statement: “The plan presented yesterday by President Trump is the true answer to October 7. Whoever committed the most terrible massacre on our land will find himself losing his land forever.”

Trump signs order authorising ICC sanctions, accuses the ICC of improperly targeting the US and Israel
The Australian, AFP
Friday February 7 2025

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order slapping sanctions on the International Criminal Court for “baseless” investigations targeting America and its close ally Israel, the White House said.

Trump’s order said the court in The Hague (Netherlands) had “abused its power” by issuing an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who held talks with the US president on Tuesday. The order also said the tribunal had engaged in “illegitimate and baseless actions targeting America and our close ally Israel,” referring to ICC probes into alleged war crimes by US service members in Afghanistan and Israeli troops in Gaza.

The US president ordered asset freezes and travel bans against ICC officials, employees and their family members, along with anyone deemed to have helped the court’s investigations. The sanctions are a show of support after Netanyahu’s visit to the White House, during which Trump unveiled a plan for the US to “take over” Gaza and move Palestinians to other Middle Eastern countries. Neither the United States nor Israel are members of the court. There was no immediate reaction from the ICC.

The ICC issued arrest warrants on November 21 for Netanyahu, his former defence minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas’ military chief Mohammed Deif – whom Israel says is dead. The warrants, approved after an application by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan in May, are for “crimes against humanity and war crimes committed from at least 8 October 2023, until at least 20 May 2024.”

During his first term, Trump imposed financial sanctions and a visa ban on the ICC’s then-prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, and other senior officials and staff in 2020. Describing it as a “kangaroo court,” his then-administration made the move after Gambian-born Bensouda launched an investigation into allegations of war crimes against US soldiers in Afghanistan. While his order at the time did not name Israel, Trump administration officials said they were also angered by Bensouda’s opening of a probe into the situation in the Palestinian territories in 2019.

President Joe Biden lifted the sanctions soon after taking office in 2021. Prosecutor Khan later effectively dropped the United States from the Afghan investigation and focused on the Taliban instead. Biden strongly condemned the “outrageous” warrant against Netanyahu in November. The US House passed a bill last month to sanction the ICC, but Senate Democrats blocked it last week, saying the bill could backfire on US allies and firms.

But Democrats have also expressed anger at the sanctions on Netanyahu.


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Earlier News in Israel

  1. Yasser Arafat, Fatah, PLO, and Lebanese War 1959 - 2004
  2. Closure Lebanese war, August 14 2006
  3. PLO Interior Minister resigns in Gaza City, May 14 2007
  4. Annapolis Maryland Peace Conference, November 29 2007
  5. Iraq Iran truce in Tehran, June 14 2008
  6. Markets Spin in New York, October 1 2008
  7. Israel hammers Gaza, December 28 2008
  8. Fault lines in Netanyahu's fractious alliance, April 6 2009
  9. Washington jitters, July 29 2009
  10. Israel agrees to settlement moratorium, November 27 2009
  11. Israel 'wrecks' peace talks, March 12 2010
  12. Gaza naval raid, June 1 2010
  13. Peace or War on settlements, September 20 2010
  14. Arab "spring", January 29 2011
  15. Golan Heights confrontations, June 7 2011
  16. West Bank recognition at UN, September 17 2011
  17. Iran fires missile near Hormuz in Persian Gulf, January 2 2012
  18. Iran's nuclear facilities, February 28 2012
  19. Damascus bomb attack, July 19 2012
  20. Israel prepares for War with Iran, September 18 2012
  21. Hamas leader assassination, November 15 2012
  22. Netanyahu election victory, January 23 2013
  23. Syria's civil war, June 1 2013
  24. Western action in Syria, August 28 2013
  25. Bethlehem separation barrier, December 26 2013
  26. Gaza offensive, June 21 2014
  27. State land announced at Gush Etzion Bethlehem, September 2 2014
  28. Ehud Olmert jail sentence, May 26 2015
  29. Netanyahu announces Golan Heights is Israel's, April 19 2016
  30. Jordan thanks Trump (for tempering Temple Mount crisis), July 28 2017
  31. Israel strikes Syria, April 10 2018
  32. Israel election, April 7 2019
  33. Trump's Peace Plan, January 28 2020
  34. Israel election, March 23 2021
  35. East Jerusalem clashes, May 11 2021
  36. West Bank aid offer, February 9 2022
  37. Israel election, November 1 2022
  38. Protests in Israel and Backdown by Netanyahu, June 30 2023
  39. War in Gaza, January 10 2024
  40. War in Gaza, June 15 2024

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** End of article