Click here for further pronunciations of Jesus and God's name in numerous modern languages.
First, as an introduction, saying the word "I Am" in Hebrew
In Mishnaic Hebrew, saying the word "I am" as it was probably pronounced by Jesus 2000 years ago, was "Eh-hay-eh"
In early Hebrew, "I am/will be who I am/will be", as it was first spoken (in the first person) to Moses 3,500 years ago in
Now, about that Letter J.
Latin | French | *Italian | Spanish | Portuguese | English |
With the exception of Italian, the printing press in the 1600s formally established a new alphabetic letter "J" to be the consonant form for writing "I" in French, Spanish, Portuguese and English | |||||
The letter J as a starting consonant did not exist. Pronunciation of words starting with "I" can only be estimated. | The letter "I" as a consonant became "J" – pronounced Zzhee | The letter "J" does not exist, "G" followed by "I" or "E" gives a soft "G" – pronounced Zzhee | The letter "I" as a consonant became "J" – pronounced Hota with the "H" more rasping – deeper in the throat | The letter "I" as a consonant became "J" – pronounced ZZhota | The letter "I" as a consonant became "J" – pronounced Zzhay |
JUIF | GIUDEO with Hebrew (Ebreo) neighbourhoods named Giudecca | JUDIO | JUDEU | JEW / HEBREW | |
In ancient Rome Day Father – Dyeu Pater Ancient Celtic – Dia Ancient French – Deu Ancient Greece – Zeu Ancient China – Di Ancient India – Deva English Today – Divine | GEOVA, PADRE with the planet named Giove | JEHOVÁ, PADRE | JEOVÁ, PADRE | JEHOVAH, FATHER GOD | |
With the Greek word I-o-u-l-i-o-s | JULES | GIULIO | JULIO | JÚLIO | JULIUS |
**with the Greek word | JOSUÉ | GIOSUÈ | JOSUÉ | JOSUÉ | JOSHUA |
Also with Greek word | JÉSUS ![]() | GESÙ ![]() | JESÚS ![]() | JESUS ![]() | JESUS |
* In Italy, as elsewhere, there are many different spoken dialects. Italian slowly took over from Latin and French as a written language about 400-700 years ago, starting with Dante (1265-1321) in the Tuscan region in Florence.
** Most occasions of Joshua's name, Moses's lieutenant in the Old Testament (Yehoshua), use the five Hebrew letters "yod, he, vav, shin, ayin". On two occasions, Deuteronomy 3:21 and Judges 2:7, the letters "yod, he, vav, shin, vav, ayin" are used, and later, e.g.
In today's Aramaic-speaking Assyrian church in the Middle East, the pronunciation is "Ea-shoa"
In Hebrew, the pronunciation is "Yeshua"
Now, because of how the starting sounds for Judge, Justice, Joshua, Jesus and Julius are pronounced today in these western languages, many have thought that "I" written in its place in Ancient Greek or Latin — as in
The "Y" sound of course is the way most of the other, non-Romance European languages pronounce words that start with the letter "J", e.g. in Germany, where the letter "J" is pronounced "Yot" and Jesus is pronounced "Yesos".
But going back to ancient times, the "J" or "Zzh" sound may well have derived from the old Hebrew / Phoenician character (known as Zayin) the 7th letter in the alphabet which the Greeks had changed to the letter "Z". Also used from ancient times in numerical systems for the digits 1 and 10 ("Zehan" in Gothic "Tien" in Dutch "T"- last letter in Hebrew). Around 300 BC, the Roman censor Appius Claudius removed "Z" (Zee) as the 7th letter. Many Jews were imposing a death sentence on any speaking God's personal name outside the temple (i.e. blasphemously). Awkward if you were trying to keep the peace. Rome then created the letter "G" (Jee) in its Roman alphabet shortly after.
Now besides VPPITER and Zeu Pater, another example of a "Z" word in the Greek language gradually getting a
With regard to those four Hebrew letters for Jehovah "yod, he, vav, he" spoken to Moses in Exodus 6:3 and used extensively throughout the Old Testament, the Greek Septuagint version used a completely different word. Those four letters were translated, and vocalized as "Kurios", a Greek title for "the Boss" following a Jewish tradition of substituting its Hebrew equivalent "Adonai" my highly-valued master, protector,
Jesus's name, spelt in Greek as
Interestingly, the change of the sixth Hebrew letter "vav"
from its harder "F" / "V"-like sound/shape and a second, softer "U" / "W"-like sound/shape occurred in Greek and Latin, then spread worldwide.
The Greeks used that double-stroke "Y" letter early in their numerals, calling it a "Digamma" ("Double three") i.e. Gamma Γ Digamma Ϝ, before introducing its upper shape in their alphabet as a rounded letter "U", a variation on "Y", later calling it "ewp-silon", or "Simple U".
Instead of its dentilabial "F"-sound, they introduced a bilabial "Ph" letter Φ (where the teeth don't show), calling it a "Phi" (pronounced today as "phee", and in the US as "phai"). Classical Greeks and Romans are thought to have used the sound of an aspirated P, somewhat like the "ph" in uphill, forming the "ph" digraph used in Latin, French and English.
In Latin, and the later alphabets the sixth character "F" was then used for their own words.
The Romans printed the rounded "U" character using a "V" shape, similar to their numeral for "5" ("qvinqve"), pronouncing it with a "w" sound. After 800 AD the Germans introduced VV into words which they now called a "vee" — in Italian a "doppio vee", in French a "doo-bla-vay", but in English and American a "double-you"
By 1300 the Greek "U" and the Roman "V" were two distinct characters with the "V" character in Italy known as a "voo", in many places a "vee", and in German a "fow" (as seen in their spelling of "Vater" for Father, pronounced as "Faa-der".
Latin had discouraged use of the Greek letter "Y", it was a foreign letter — the Greek "ee", or in German Ypsilon ("Simple ee"). In English it was pronounced "wee", becoming "why".
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 2:10 PM
Subject: Chatting about X and also the shape of the cross
The letter "X" started life as the sound "K" in Greek and Latin, transitioning into the sound "KS".
So in Greek, the K sound highlights the word "Xristos", the anointed one, that word used by Peter in Hebrew, "Ha-Mashiach", The Messiah.
Referenced in
Hi all
Chatting briefly about the shape of the cross that killed Jesus, apparently it was the Jehovah Witnesses and a hyperdispensationalist chap called E. W. Bullinger who gained a lot of notoriety in 1877 (and also since) by insisting that it was on a crux simplex (a single stake) that the Lord was crucified, and that it had been Constantine who confused the issue by saying it was a "t" shape i.e. what was called a crux immissa.
Interesting theory, except there's been a lot of literature discovered, written long before Constantine was born, indicating it was on a "t" shape, a Tau, pronounced "T" (in Hebrew the Mark of life see
And from a "strength transferral" point of view, what was death to the Lord, was the means of life to all of us who receive him
So while the Greek New Testament word was a stauros, a stake, or a pole, and used from ancient times for execution, the Romans were most cruel in their massive use of their own word crux in many shapes to deter rebellion, to give criminals torture and death through strangulation, inventing this Latin word that is used worldwide to mean a "Cross", an "X", a crossing point, a crux, a crunch point, becoming cross, becoming heated up, the great unknown.
Pictures of our inability, and God's ability, Hallelujah .
Article extract from Wikipedia: Crucifixion#Cross_shape
For those interested, here's another link to some of that early literature.
Blessings all Steve
Stephen Williamson Computing Services Pty Ltd
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**End of Article.