Click here for the letters to the seven churches Rev 2.

First Four Seals   Revelation 6:1-8
Begins in 4000 BC with the First Adam and takes on New Life in 31 AD with Christ the Last Adam (and Second Man)
4000 BC
First Seal
White Horse (Light)
2000 BC
Second seal
Red Horse (Fire)
Objective (Laws)
500 BC
Third seal
Black Horse (Ink)
Subjective (Sea)
500 AD
Fourth seal
Pale Green Horse (Colourless)
The Word of God
Rev 19:11
of earthly kingdoms
Luke 13:18-19
Luke 12:49-51
Arising of
Inflation & trade
Luke 13:20-21
Matthew 24:14
Ravaging of Death & Hell in ¼ of earth
Mat 13:24-30
Living Creature
Rev 5:5
Ox Man's Face
Luke 16:1-15
Flying Eagle
Mat 24:28
Man's Plans Producing Joy else Stages of Grief
Seeking God

Loving Him, Loving (unloveable) people

Acceptance by Him else
Denial (Grief Stage 1)
of Him by us means
Denial by Him of us
Seeking Fight

Hate, Unforgiveness, Revenge, Enslave and Killing

Anger (Grief Stage 2)
Seeking Own Prosperity

Love of money, things, wanting more

Bargaining (Grief Stage 3)
No plans, this is your life/death, yes it's hell

don't expect it to change

Unceasing Depression (Grief Stage 4)
Age of the Lord
Start of His House and His Love
Age of the Military
Ancient Hinduism / Caste Slaves / Armies /
Sadducees — Living as physically "righteous"
Acts 23:6-10
Age of the Trader
*Buddhism / Greeks / Self Empower / Evolving /
Pharisees — Living as "separated"
Luke 16
Age of the Destroyer
Death and Hell (The Devil)
Arabic Terrorist Mastery opposed to all others
Jews (so called)
Herodians — Living as "heroes"
Rev 3:9
*Strictly speaking, Buddhists refuse to acknowledge the significance of God (or gods) including the fact that God is "Our Father", and that man has an eternal soul or ego. Their understanding is that nothing is fixed or permanent and everything is always changing.
Their four noble truths are 1.Human life involves suffering and rebirth 2.It's caused by ego with its attachment to base desire and cravings 3.There is an end to suffering which is to 4.Follow the Eightfold Middle Path a.Right understanding (of these four noble truths) b.Right values (compassion) c.Right speech d.Right action (help the environment) e.Right work (be useful) f.Right effort (thoughts) g.Right mindfulness (awareness) h.Right meditation (calmness/nirvana).
Spirit renewed
1 Peter 3:1-7
Ecc 3:11-22
Acts 10:34-35
Songs 1
1 Cor 15:35-49
Body Strength
Thoughts and Intentions Heart and Soul Whitewashed Spirit
Reins ("No")
1Co 2:11-12


Jesus in the Wilderness
  Bread for the Body Self-Aware / cast yourself down invulnerability Lofty imagination fulfilled, but first fall and worship the adversary
International Communication
  Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic
Babylon and Persia
Alexander followed by Ptolemy in the south then Antioch in the north
So-called "Holy" Roman Empire focusing on the Pope in Rome, Charlemagne in Francia, Otto in Germania, and the Habsburgs in Austria and Spain
Sowing Seed
Finding a People who bear Fruit Stony ground-tribulation Thorns Wayside
James 3:15
  Earthly Sensual Devilish
1 John 2:16
  Disinterest outside of Me
the Lusts of the Flesh — Fornication (sleaziness and slackness) and Drunkenness (public nuisance)
vs Interest in God and your Neighbours (Honour, Patience, Love 1 Cor 13)
Despair and Sadness
the Lusts of the Eyes — Covetousness and Swindling
vs Joy, Laughter, and via love Faith
Boasting of Your Goods (Pride of "Bios")
What is Not — Idolatry and Belittling
vs Expectation Hope
Book of Common Prayer
  The Flesh The World The Devil
Job's Three (miserable) Aged Comforters vs Youth
Elihu-Childlike Faith
Job 33:2-7
Job 8:8-10
Personal Experiences
Job 4:12-21
Negative Deconstruction of Narratives
Job 11:6
Today's atheistic faith in
  Rightwing Nazism Fascism
Patriot Numbers
1 Chronicles 21
Leftwing Communism Marxism
Monetary Strength
Luke 16
Anarchy Sophistry Myths
Inner Emotion
2 Timothy 4:3-4

Fifth seal. 1500 AD Martyrs cry How Long? A "new world" is slowly dawning & the Isaiah 60 prophecy.

Combines with the rise of a young international language English from a very tiny island

Community-empowered (as opposed to privately-sponsored) schooling appears, training children up in the scriptures arts and law. Seen in Scotland (in 1496), then in Strasbourg and other German cities (in the 1500s), Massachusetts in the USA (in the 1600s), Prussia, Austria-Hungary, and Bohemia (in the 1700s), the rest of Europe and America, Australia and Japan (in the 1800s), Russia, China, and Muslim countries (in the 1900s), and finally all of India (in 2010) .

Sixth seal. 2000 AD Rev 6:14 Get ready.

At the Copenhagen summit the whole world starts to focus (in fear) on the sky.

** End Table