Computing Movers and Shakers

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$US billion
(and other topics)
AmazonE-Commerce1994USA5751525Launched in Nov2017 building a major warehouse in Sydney
Amazon Elastic Cloud(a)
Google Cloud(b)
Microsoft Azure(c)
Cloud Computing2006(a)
USAClick here to see Google compare itself to Amazon and Microsoft
Click here to see Wikipedia do the same
AMDProcessor (x86 / x64) 1969USA2226IBM had insisted there be a "second-source" manufacturer for Intel's patented x86 chip.
AppleComputers1976USA383161Apple Timeline

Since 2016 owned by Japanese conglomerate Softbank Group

Processor Design (RISC)1990UK26Click here for an article on how ARM licenses its IP Intellectual Property for smartphones etc
CiscoNetworks1984USA5785Market leader in Switches and Routers
EricssonTelecommunications Equipment1876Sweden24100Ranked in top three with Huawei and Nokia in 2021
Facebook (Meta)
Company Info Page
Advertising2004USA13567In 2017, along with Google now paying tax in Australia. Both companies earn majority of online advertising revenue worldwide.
includes ICL-UK
Mainframes and Systems1935Japan23124
Google (Alphabet)Advertising1998 USA307182In 2017 with Facebook now paying tax in Australia. Both companies earn majority of online advertising revenue worldwide.
HP (Enterprise)Servers and Networks1939USA2962
HP (Inc.)Computers1939USA5358
HuaweiTelecommunications Equipment1987China100207Ranked in top three with Ericsson and Nokia in 2021
IBMMainframes and Systems1911USA61282
IntelProcessor (x86 / x64)1968USA54124
KyndrylInformation Systems (spinoff from IBM in 2021)2021USA1788In Australia EFTPOS machines, airline booking systems and mobile phone networks
MicrosoftSoftware1975USA212221Microsoft Timeline

In 2019 sold to US private equity firm KKR

Accounting Software1991Australia0.240The 40,000 number includes accountants bookkeepers and other professional partners in Australia and New Zealand
MotorolaWalkie-Talkies1928USA1020In 2011 Google purchased Motorola mobile consumer-oriented lines, expressly for its portfolio of patents, and thus protect Android vendors from lawsuits (in particular from Apple). Sold on to Lenovo in 2014, but Google retained most of those patents.
NCRATMs POS Services1884USA415
NokiaTelecommunications Equipment1865Finland2486Ranked in top three with Huawei and Ericsson in 2021
OptusTelecommunications and ISP Internet Service Provider AU1981Australia871981 AUSSAT
1991 Optus (originally with Cable & Wireless UK 24.5% and Bell South US 24.5% and Aussie companies 51%)
1997 Cable & Wireless bought out Bell South
2001 Singtel bought out Cable & Wireless and Aussie companies
includes Sun Microsystems
Enterprise Software1977USA50164
QualcommSemiconductor Design and Software (Wireless)1985USA3550Owns patents critical to 5G, 4G 3G 2G, designing products for wireless communications, data transfer
QuickBooks (Intuit)Enterprise Software1983USA1418
SageEnterprise Software1981UK311
SalesforceEnterprise Software1999USA3572
SamsungComputers1938South Korea200270Samsung Electronics first opened in 1969
SAPEnterprise Software1972Germany33106
TelstraTelecommunications and ISP Internet Service Provider AU1901Australia15311901 PMG Postmaster General's Dept
1975 Telecom Australia (renamed as Telstra in 1993)
TencentAdvertising1998China78112Social Network and Gaming
TPG TelecomTelecommunications and ISP Internet Service Provider AU1986Australia36In 2020 TPG merged with Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA)
TSMCSemiconductor Foundry1987Taiwan7173Apple is seen to be its most important customer, followed by other US "fabless" companies such as Qualcomm, Nvidia, and AMD.
Intel, which manufactures its own chips, also outsources some of its production to TSMC.

Click here for an article in 2021
Unisys includes Sperry & BurroughsMainframes and Systems1886USA216
Vodafone AustraliaTelecommunications (Mobile) and ISP Internet Service Provider AU2009Australia  2002 3 Hutchisons based in Hong Kong set up a Mobile Phone network in Australia.
2009 Merge with Vodafone's Australia network on a 50-50 basis.
Became a subsidiary of TPG Telecom in 2020
XeroAccounting Software2006New Zealand0.8404
ZTETelecommunications Equipment1985China1775Ranked a national security threat in June 2020 by US Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

** End of List