English Written and Spoken Timeline Bible in English Timeline The English Written and Spoken Timeline looks at it today worldwide, traces its growth after the Normans, provides a link to an excellent Shakespeare concordance sonnets and plays, looks at fairy tales, and links to other famous books over the past 300 years.
| The Bible in English on the right traces the history of the Bible since Moses (3500 years ago), via Ezra and the template he set up in the temple ca 400BC, the Greek Septuagint translation started ca 250BC, and then a timeline through to today. 7 days Bible Timeline The 7 days timeline on the left is an "endeavour" to make some sense of Genesis 1 in alignment with science and current Judaeo-Christian understanding of the cosmos.
| The Bible timeline on the right endeavours to remain faithful to the Hebrew and the Greek text regarding civilisation, and reconcile all the dates to mainstream Hebrew, Protestant, and Greek Orthodox timelines. Includes Jesus timeline on earth, reconciling the four gospels. Australian History and Brisbane Before Banks The Australia Timeline on the left looks at early Sydney, Indigenous issues, Federation and Citizenship, then provides a complete timeline on Brisbane from early maps and settlement to the arrival of the national retailers
| The "Before Banks" timeline on the right looks at how we managed before banks — the Rum, the UK, and the Australian Currencies we used and also a Minimum Wage (compared with US debt) timeline since 1788. Florence Lira and the Gold Standard (1252-today) Foreign Exchange Statistics The Currency Timeline on the left (1252-today) has been updated daily for many years, it shows currency values (including Bitcoin) in terms of US dollars.
| The Foreign Exchange Snapshot on the right lists the Major Currencies reported by BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in foreign exchange trade (via the major international banks) with 88% of all trade in 2022 (currently $US7½ trillion daily) involving the buying or selling of $US. Foreknowledge and Plans of the Heart Home Page The page on the left issues some thoughts on God's foreknowledge and love.
| The page on the right is my Home Page. |