Based on Carl Jung, founder of Analytical Psychology.
Click here for the foundation's timeline. Apparently over 50 million have taken the formal test.
Carl Jung apparently spoke of himself as an INTP, at another time as an ISTP. Read on to see what these letters mean.
From one appreciative writer
Jeff Feb 14, 2016
I run a simplified variation of MBTI with my 4th year uni students. A whole lot of 'aha' moments for them. It is very useful as for the first time, many of them realise that not everyone thinks or sees the world as they do. I then point out that people can fake attributes and also change characteristics under stress, while the whole thing can be considered as psycho-horoscopes, dangerous in HR hands, and depersonalising. My final advice is the valuable insight it provides is that we need to treat people as individuals — we are all different. They tell me they find the session useful.
As Jesus said "In your patience, you possess (purchase) your souls."
And Paul "Work out your own salvation, in fear and trembling" especially when it comes to pre-judging God's work in another.
1. From where does the person generally tend to regain their energy
I - Introvertedly, preferably from within or with one or two people known to them. They tend to prefer a lower profile or public face.
Average "yes" response Males 54% Females 47½%
E - Extravertedly, preferably with a larger number of different acquaintances as well as others. They tend to prefer a higher profile or public face.
Average "yes" response Males 46% Females 52½%
2. Input Function. How does the person find they tend to base most perception of what's happening around them.
S - Sensory, our physical side, from the five tangible senses of the body i.e. See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell.
Average "yes" response Males 72% Females 75%
N - Intuitively, our spiritual side, from that sixth, intangible sense, often of what is coming.
Average "yes" response Males 28% Females 25%
3. Output Function. How does the person find they tend to base most judgment calls / choices
T - Thinking, our masculine side, from the use of objective past data analysis — numbers, dates etc.
Average "yes" response Males 56½% Females 24½%
F - Feelings, our feminine side, from the use of subjective passions in the moment.
Average "yes" response Males 43½% Females 75½%
In scripture, the passions can be summarized in three couplets: a. Interest (be important) — know honour and love vs Disinterest, b. Joy (surprise) — confidence and faith vs Despair, c. Desire (yearning) — expectation and hope vs Fear,
plus d. Anger, a passion we are advised however not to hold onto after sundown.
4. How does the person find they tend to interact with others.
J - By generating outputs, judgments, decisively, troubleshooting, talking a little (or a lot) more than others.
Average "yes" response Males 52% Females 56%
P - By receiving inputs, perception, listening, talking a little less than others.
Average "yes" response Males 48% Females 44%
We are all so different there is no right or wrong answer, just become aware of our weak places, love others, and give thanks to the Lord for how he made us.
Regarding the "dominant" function, to quote from the Myers-Briggs foundation
Everyone has a favorite function. We develop one of the four mental functions (sensing, intuitive, thinking, feeling) to a greater degree than any of the other three. This first and favorite function is like the captain of a ship, having the most important role in guiding us, and it becomes the type core of our conscious personality. This is called the dominant function.
If you are extraverted, your dominant function is always your input or output tendency with others.
But if you are introverted and tend to be a good listener, your dominant function is in fact your decision making that you mainly keep inside you, just sharing it with those close to you.
And if you are introverted and prefer to interact decisively with others, your dominant function is in fact your perception, again just sharing it with those close to you. Pearls before swine
In all cases, your second function's preference is then referred to as your "auxiliary" function.
In all cases the opposite of your dominant function is called your "inferior" function, your weak spot that you need help with, else it may lead you into a bad place, stress, missing the mark, sin, etc.
Introverts tend to open up their second, third and inferior functions to the world, extraverts tend to keep theirs more hidden.
Thank you Lord, we pray, "Bring us not into the place of testing our limits with badness, but Deliver us from the punishing one. For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
Now, some stats from /myers-briggs-statistics/
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Myers Briggs Test Statistics ▲▼ | Dominant | Total | Males | Females |
ISFJ (perhaps Isaac-Middle Managing) | S 1 | 13.8 % | 8.1 % | 19.4 % |
ESFJ (perhaps Ezra-Teacher) | F 1 | 12.3 % | 7.5 % | 16.9 % |
ISTJ (perhaps Moses-Law Giver) ![]() | S 2 | 11.6 % | 16.4 % | 6.9 % |
ISFP (perhaps David-Composer) | F 2 | 8.8 % | 7.6 % | 9.9 % |
ESTJ (perhaps John the Baptist-Great Organiser) | T 1 | 8.7 % | 11.2 % | 6.3 % |
ESFP (Warmth in Public Relations) | S 3 | 8.5 % | 6.9 % | 10.1 % |
ENFP (Enthusiastic Optimist) | N 1 | 8.1 % | 6.4 % | 9.7 % |
ISTP (perhaps John the Apostle-Master Builder) | T 2 | 5.4 % | 8.5 % | 2.4 % |
INFP (Passionate Carer) | F 3 | 4.4 % | 4.1 % | 4.6 % |
ESTP (perhaps Peter-Diplomat) | S 4 | 4.3 % | 5.6 % | 4.3 % |
INTP (perhaps Joseph-Architect) | T 3 | 3.3 % | 4.8 % | 1.8 % |
ENTP (Imaginative Conversationalist) | N 2 | 3.2 % | 4.0 % | 2.4 % |
ENFJ (perhaps Paul-Passionate Leader) | F 4 | 2.5 % | 1.6 % | 3.3 % |
INTJ (perhaps Jacob-Strategist) | N 3 | 2.1 % | 3.3 % | 2.1 % |
ENTJ (perhaps Abraham-Government Leader) | T 4 | 1.8 % | 2.7 % | 0.9 % |
INFJ (perhaps Jesus-Therapist in the days of his flesh) ![]() | N 4 | 1.46 % | 1.3 % | 1.6 % |
Preference | Total | Males | Females |
E - Extraverted | 49.3 % | 45.9 % | 52.5 % |
I - Introverted | 50.7 % | 54.1 % | 47.5 % |
S - Sensing | 73.3 % | 71.7 % | 74.9 % |
N - Intuitive | 26.7 % | 28.3 % | 25.1 % |
T - Thinking | 40.2 % | 56.5 % | 24.5 % |
F - Feeling | 59.8 % | 43.5 % | 75.5 % |
J - Judging | 54.1 % | 52 % | 56.2 % |
P - Perceiving | 45.9 % | 48 % | 43.8 % |
Temperament | Total | Males | Females |
SJ - Sensing Judging Mark-Jesus as Servant | 46.4 % | 43.1 % | 49.5 % |
SP - Sensing Perceiving Matthew-Jesus as Lord/King | 27 % | 28.6 % | 25.3 % |
NF - Intuitive Feeling Luke-Jesus as Weak/Son of Man | 16.4 % | 19.4 % | 18.5 % |
NT - Intuitive Thinking John-Jesus as Timeless/Son of God | 10.3 % | 8.9 % | 6.7 % |
Function Pair | Total | Males | Females |
ST - Sensing Thinking | 29.9 % | 41.7 % | 18.5 % |
SF - Sensing Feeling | 43.4 % | 30 % | 56.3 % |
Some further comments, from
ISFJ make great nurses teachers secretaries and middle management, ISTJ clerks, accountants and legal researchers, ESFP in performing and social work and primary teaching, ESTP make great negotiators and diplomats. Their "S" dominance is how much they are in touch with the "here and now". The danger can be unawareness and denial of oncoming problems, until they are engulfed.
ENFP make great salespeople advertising politicians screen and play writers, ENTP for inspiration and conversation, INTJ are strategists and data engineers, INFJ therapists and public relations. Their "N" dominance is in their ability to foresee oncoming problems. The danger can be that when they get out of touch with the "here and now", they are downright impractical.
ESFJ make great teachers, and in sales and in reaching out people to people, ENFJ outstanding leaders of groups, both task groups and growth groups, ISFP composers painters and artists, INFP carers and missionaries and wonderful parents. Their "F" dominance lies in their capacity to empathize with another person's suffering. The danger when they are overhard on themselves is they lack coolness and detachedness inside that call, along with conflicts of interest.
ESTJ make great organizers in institutions, ENTJ leaders in military business education and government, ISTP have top mastery of tools, INTP in architecture and pure maths. Their "T" dominance lies in their coolness and detachedness. The danger when they are overhard on themselves is they are unable to empathize with another person's suffering.
Update in 2024, with regards to Jung, often defined as INTP or ISTP
Apparently his exact words describing himself were in a 1959 BBC Interview called Face to Face, when he was 84
“I most certainly was characterized by Thinking … and I had a great deal of Intuition, too. And I had a definite difficulty with Feeling. And my relation to reality was not particularly brilliant. … I was often at variance with the reality of things. Now that gives you all the necessary data for diagnosis.”
It indicates that as a dominant "T" (when it came to closure) his "N" (future) awareness meant that he perceived himself as a bit "out of touch" on a sensory level
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