Drugs Timeline
- Opium derivatives, opiates from the juice of the poppy plant have been used thousands of years
- Laudanum (tincture of opium) made up of ethyl alcohol (20% to 80%), 10% powdered opium, sugars, saffron (spice) and essential oils. Recorded use is from the time of the Renaissance for a variety of ailments. In 1900 its Alcohol content was commonly 48% but today 18%.
- Morphine, chief ingredient in opium, isolated in 1804 by a German chemist. Chemical makeup C17H19NO3
- Codeine, just 10% the impact of morphine, isolated in France in 1832. Chemical makeup C18H21NO3
- Heroin, semi-synthetic derivative of morphine, discovered in 1897 by chemist Felix Hoffmann at Bayer pharmaceutical company in Elberfeld Germany. Chemical makeup C21H23NO5
- Oxycodone, derivative of codeine, first synthesized in 1916. Chemical makeup C18H21NO4
- Demerol (Pethidine) first synthesized in 1938. Chemical makeup C15H21NO2 + HCl acid salt
- Fentanyl, synthetic opioid derived from Demerol, first synthesized in Belgium by Paul Janssen at Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1959. Chemical makeup C22H28N2O + C6H8O7 citric acid salt
- Stimulants eg MDMA (Ecstasy), first synthesized in 1912 by Merck chemist Anton Kollisch, developed 1970s-1980s. Chemical makeup C11H15NO2 + HCl acid salt
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